Get Free Update 24.2.2 For FTM 2019

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FTM 2019 free update 24.2.2

Getting FTM 2019 Free Update 24.2.2

Family Tree Maker 2019 (FTM 2019) is a very popular genealogy program. If you want to update your FTM 2019 then this article will help you a lot. This article will guide you how to get FTM 2019 free update 24.2.2 easily without any hassle.

About FTM 2019 Free Update 24.2.2

Free update 24.2.2 is very important update for FTM 2019 users. In this free update you will get modified FamilySync technology that is needed to accommodate changes on Ancestry’s side and help to get back to green sync weather.

Family tree maker developers developed this together with the ancestry engineers. With this, in FTM 2019 24.2.2 free update you will get better speed and reliability of syncing, uploading and downloading. After updating your family tree maker 2019 free update 24.2.2, your sync status will change green from orange.

Related article: Know all about Family Tree Maker 2024

If you are a Mac user and facing an issue of syncing with ancestry then this issue is also resolve by updating your FTM 2019. With this, there are also some new features in free update 24.2.2.

Who Can Get This Free Update?

This free update is recommended for all users who are using FTM 2019. This update can resolve the following issues;

  1. Ancestry syncing
  2. Ancestry login issue on macOS 10.14-10.15

Important Points To Remember Before Updating FTM 2019 Program

If you want this free update then you need to remember some important points in your mind before getting FTM 2019 24.2.2 updater. Here, we give some points below, please check them.

  1. Make sure you have installed FTM 2019 on your computer: You can get this free update 24.2.2 if only you have already installed FTM 2019 on your computer. If you have not installed FTM 2019 on your computer then first you need to install FTM 2019 on your computer.
  2. Sync your trees: If you update your family tree maker 2019 then before updating please sync your family tree once more. If you are updating your family tree from FTM 2017 and waiting for green weather to sync then you can skip this step.
  3. Compact and Back up your family trees: It is recommended to take a backup of your trees before updating your FTM 2019. Also compact your family tree. To do compact your family tree go to tools option and then choose compact file. Make sure that media and restore sync boxes are checked during backup. To know how to take a backup of your family tree, click here.

Getting FTM 2019 24.2.2 Updater

You can get FTM 2019 free update through two different ways that we have given below, please check.

  1. Through email notification: You will receive an email with the link of the FTM 2019 free updater. This email notification only get those users who already installed FTM 2019 on their computers.
  2. Through update center:  Second option to get FTM 2019 free update 24.2.2 is via Family Tree Maker update center. You can direct go to update center to update your family tree maker 2019. After visiting the update center, follow the on screen instructions and get the free update download link.


In conclusion, you can easily get family tree maker free update 24.2.2 via getting email notification or from update center. If you want to get instant help then use our free live chat support service. We have 24/7 customer support so that our customers can get help anytime 24/7. You can also follow our Facebook page.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Here, we give some frequently asked question for your help, please check them and get the best answer to your questions.

Question: How do I update my FTM 2019?

Answer: You can get update for your FTM 2019 from email notification or you can go to update center directly to get FTM 2019 24.2.2 updater link.

Question: Can I download my ancestry tree to family tree maker 2019?

Answer: If you have FTM 2019 or FTM 2019 and if you sync your family tree with ancestry then you can download your family tree directly from ancestry.

Question: How much does FTM 2019 cost?

Answer: The cost of family tree maker 2019 is $79.95 for a digital download but if you purchase it at discounted price then you can get it at $29.

Question: Is there a free version of family tree maker?

Answer: Yes, there are free versions of family tree maker software i.e. are FTM 2019 free update 24.2.1 and FTM 2019 free update 24.2.2.