Family Tree Maker Support – Instant Help

family tree maker support

Family Tree Maker Support Number

Family tree maker is a very popular genealogy program used by a lot of people to make their family tree. A family tree offers to save your family history in a family tree in the form of photos, videos, and notes. We provide the best family tree maker support.  If you want an online technician support to fix the software problems then you can call us at family tree maker support number.

About Family Tree Maker 2019

Family tree maker 2019 normally known as FTM 2019. It is the latest version of family tree maker program. It has user friendly interface and easy setup and installation. That’s the reason of its popularity. Using a family tree maker you can track your family’s history records and store in your family tree for future use.

Who Provide Family Tree Maker Support?

Mackiev give live chat support for family tree maker software for free. But it does not give any remote or call support. You can get help on live chat for free from Mackiev. To get a call support, you can call us. We have qualified technician team who are always ready to help you and give you the best support regarding your issues.

They will guide you with the proper guidelines. If the issue is critical then our technician take your system access and solve your issues within a minutes. You can ask for family tree maker support number in live chat support.

Family Tree Maker 2024

The Mackiev company has announced that FTM 2024 coming soon and he start taking FTM 2024 pre-orders. But still the company did not provide the download link. So, if you did not get the download link for FTM 2024 then don’t worry stay with us and we will confirm you whenever company released any official announcement.

After releasing Family Tree Maker 2024 (FTM 2024), it will be the latest version of family tree maker software. In a pre-order, you can get FTM 2024 only $29.

How To Pre-Book Family Tree Maker 2024?

If you are using FTM 2017 or FTM 2019 and want to upgrade it then this is the right time to upgrade your family tree maker program. Here, we mentioned some simple steps for how to pre-order FTM 2024. Please follow;

  1. First, go to Mackiev Official site.
  2. After  this, check the link for FTM 2024 discounted price.
  3. When you click on the purchase link, you will get three options which are download USB with DVD, USB with CD, and Flash Drive.
  4. Choose the best options according to you and click on next button.
  5. After this, click on order now button.
  6. If you want code then use FTM2024UPGTV24 promo code to get discount.
  7. At last, verify your order details and pay the bill. Your order will be placed.

Who Can Buy Family Tree Maker 2024?

Anyone can buy family tree maker 2024 at discounted price of $29.

New Features In Family Tree Maker 2024

Whenever a new version of any software is launched company included some new features on that. FTM 2024 has also included some best new features that will amaze you. Here, we give a list of new features of family tree maker 2024, have a look.

Connect Workspace: Now, you can work together in family tree maker 2024 using connect workspace feature.

FTM Connect 2.0: Easiest way to connect with your relatives. Using FTM Connect 2.0, now you can easily share the invitations to relatives so that they can see your family tree. Using FTM Connect 2.0, you can easily use FTM 2024 on your mobile.

Album Walk: This is the new feature of FTM 2024. Using this feature, your images can be change as a talking photo that looks amazing. To do this, you just need to click on the photo face and rest work is done by the software. You can make your mini documentary with background music.

Easy on the Eyes: This is an on demand feature that is helpful for those who has poor eyes and facing issues to do something. Company realizes this and include easy on the eyes feature in FTM 2024. This feature enlarges the workspace that will be helpful to do work in family tree.

New Photo Darkroom Tools: This feature is also included in the previous versions like FTM 2017 and FTM 2019. Using this feature, you can easily make your old photo like a new one as it click today.

Resource Center: Using resource center, you can get help of an expert professional who help you to do your family history search.

FTM 2024 System Requirements From Family Tree Maker Support

Family Tree Maker 2024 will be a good software that you will love. But before upgrading your family tree maker program in to FTM 2024 first check the system requirements for FTM 2024.

Operating System: FTM 2024 is for both operating system windows and mac. If you have a windows computer then your windows must be at least windows 10 or later. For Mac operating system, your windows must be macOS Big Sur 11 and later.

Processor: Currently there is no official information about the processor for FTM 2024. But it is good if you use latest process that currently available in the market.

RAM: If we talk about RAM then it should be at least 4GB RAM to run FTM 2024 on your computer. For better experience, you can use 8GB of RAM on your computer.

System Disk Storage: 900 MB free storage is required to run FTM 2024.

Screen Resolution: Screen resolution for family tree maker software is 1024X768 pixels.

Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)

Question: What if I changed my computer and after an upgrade, do I have to install my old FTM copy?

Answer: No, you don’t need to install your old FTM copy to your computer if you are an old FTM user. If you face any issue then don’t forget to contact family tree maker support.

Question: I have installed a new version of family tree software. Should I keep the old version?

Answer: No, if you installed the new version then you have to uninstall the older one. If you want both then you can keep that on a different folder or an external drive.

Question: From where can I buy family tree maker software?

Answer: You can buy family tree maker software from Mackiev online store. Currently, you can purchase FTM 2024 at a discounted price of $29.

Question: How do I log in to FamilySearch?

Answer: To log in to your FamilySearch account, first you need to open on your computer or laptop. Then you need to insert your account credentials like username and password. After inserting it click on sign in button. If your account information is correct then you will redirected to your family search account.

Question: Can I use FTM 2017 on more than one computer?

Answer: Yes, you can install FTM 2017 more than one computer. You can install your family tree maker software up to 3 different computers and the combination can be windows and mac operating system. For this, you need to take family tree maker family pack service.